Realize the dream of mankind by creating a new future through ingenious thinking and continuously challenging new frontiers.

Through ingenious thinking and continuously challenging new frontiers
Empowered by its confident ‘can-do’ mindset, Hyundai Motor Group has had a history of turning tough times into opportunities. Our challenging spirit and ingenious thinking have pushed us to pursue the changes and progress. To further advance into a truly great company amidst today’s formidable business environment, we need to read the wave of changes and fully prepare ourselves for the future. When we challenge ourselves to aim for goals others never dared to imagine, and lead market trends by thinking one step ahead of others, we can become the premier global enterprise we aspire to be.
Create a new future
Hyundai Motor Group has grown by creating something out of nothing. By refusing to stay content with past successes, we are aspiring to goals that are grander than those of the past. Inspired by our philosophy of respect for mankind, we will create a new future where our employees, customers, business partners and communities are given the opportunity to fulfill their dream-a future where ultimately all mankind can share in on happiness.
Realize the dream of mankind
Hyundai Motor Group’s ultimate purpose of business is to realize the dream of mankind. With love and respect for humanity as our philosophy, we are contributing to the global society and are earning the admiration and support of customers around the world. By providing a higher degree of satisfaction and value to customers, and being responsible for the environment as a corporate citizen, we will take part in creating a better and brighter future.
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